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About EverReflect

A Passion for Transparent Crypto.

This is truly an ambitious attempt to put the power in the hands of the holder.

Developed by a family of crypto enthusiasts on the pinksale.finance platform.

Finally, a reward token by the people for the people. The 20% tax for every buy/sell is drastic. We know. However, this is the beauty of (EVRF); 15% of that tax will go directly back into the wallets of every (EVRF) holder in the form of BUSD. In addition the 20% tax will be reduced by 1% per week for the first 5 weeks after Dex launch until the final tax is 15% BUSD reward and all send to EVRF Holder for every buy/sell.


Meet our team

The Leadership Spirit.

Because like you, we have a passion for fair and honest crypto trading.

A family affair. Team of Marketing, Security, and Engineering Professionals. All with a passion for transparent Crypto. EverReflect is the result of avid crypto holders looking for a token with hyper deflation and high yield stable long-term rewards for all holders. The combination of these concepts to accumulate passive income for holders and decrease the incentive to sell resulted in EverReflect. We welcome you to contact us via our Official Telegram channel or email with any questions.


Take a look at our Tokenomics page and compare the breakdown to similar Hyper Liquidity and Reflection tokens…the proof is in the numbers. Created on the Binance smart chain to reduce gas costs and create blocks 10x faster. We intend on being completely transparent with this community.

We are very active on social channels hosting AMA’s, letting the community know the thought process and strategic plan for (EVRF) every step of the way. The marketing efforts planned will include online targeted advertising, Telegram AMAs, YouTube Influencers, and our professional award-winning marketing agency. Future plans include (EVRF) DApps and reward dashboard.

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